Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Countdown to Nano - 1 day

From No Plot? No Problem

"A first draft is an anything-goes space for you to roll up your sleeves and make a terrific mess. It is a place where the writer's plan is redrawn daily; a place where recklessness and risk-taking is rewarded, where half-assed planning and tangential writing can yield unexpectedly amazing results. It is , in short, a place for people like you and me.

And when it comes to the rough draft, the law of the land is best summed up in two words: Exuberant imperfection."

Chris Baty


Anonymous said...

"Exuberant imperfection". Love that!

This is one of the big reasons I'm doing NaNo in the first place. I want to be able to write that first draft without censoring myself all the time. The times that I do, I find I come up with the best stuff, rather than when I over-analyse things.

Kelly Boyce said...

And I plan on embracing my exuberant imperfection for the next 30 days. Woo hoo!! Let the mediocrity begin!!