Monday, November 12, 2007

Day 12

I'm loving this writing by the seat of the pants. It reminds me of when I was a teenager and just wrote for the fun of it.

What was the first story you ever wrote?

Mine was a western historical. It was back in the days that Rosemary Rogers wrote all those Sweet, Savage books and mine was a kind of clone of that. I was around fourteen.

It's hard to believe it took me thirty years to write another one.


Unknown said...

My very first story was about a girl and a fairy...or something like that. When I was in university, I tried to write more in the literary vein. While I enjoyed it, I found I'd get tired of the stories. Genre fiction is so much more fun to write. :D

Anonymous said...

The first story I remember writing was in Grade 4. It was about Marmaduke the dog.

First book I tried to write was in Grade 5. I was heavily into the Trixie Belden series at the time, so I entitled mine Jennifer Lee and the Mystery at Lake Louise. I even planned the sequel, Jennifer Lee and the Mystery at Flin Flon.

The fact that I'd never been to either Lake Louise or Flin Flon (and only had a vague idea where exactly they were on a map) didn't faze me. It was the alliteration that appealed to me! :-)

Kelly Boyce said...

My first story was a short story about a genie in a bottle that granted my wish to get rid of liver forever. I was in grade 2.

But my first book I wrote at 18. It was a young adult murder mystery that took place on a college campus titled Murder 101 and had all these twists and turns. I still love that book. One of these days I'll go back and fix it up and send it out.

Anonymous said...

You should, Kelly! That's a great title for it too.

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Anne, could you send me the link for our RWAC loop? I'm so out of it I can't even sign in or find it on Yahoo Groups! My email is:

I feel exactly the same as you do about realizing how to write. I only learned how to do it last year!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I'm so brain fried, I didn't even answer your question. My first 'novel' was written in pencil in a pink Hilroy scribbler. It was a 'Little House' type of book, but took place in Dartmouth and followed Nellie Graham and her family in the 1800's. I did the illustrations in a blue Hilroy scribbler.

Unknown said...

I LOVE hearing about all your stories when you were younger. I wish I'd known you all when I was 9 or 10, everyone thought I was really weird for reading and writing all the time.

And Annette, did you ever make it to Lake Louise? It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. And I went when I was in my very early twenties with a guy I was crazy about. I have very fond memories.

Unknown said...

Oh, and Julia - I'm sending you along an invitation for the RWAC groups.

Anonymous said...

LOL Nope, never made it to Lake Louise yet. Nor Flin Flon either.

And I've been getting a kick out of hearing all these stories too. Good to know I wasn't the only one living in a make-believe world back then. :-)